
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why didn't Jesus flee when He found out they were after Him and were planning to kill Him?

Why didn't Jesus flee when He found out they were after Him and were planning to kill Him? I can't see what He gained by letting them arrest Him and put Him to death.

I've lived a very sinful life, but now I'm old and have cancer, and I know I need to get right with God.

I've lived a very sinful life, but now I'm old and have cancer, and I know I need to get right with God. But I feel so unclean that I can't imagine even asking God to forgive me because I know He must be fed up with me. Is there any hope for me?

Last week, we went to a funeral for my husband's cousin, and we were appalled at how elaborate it was and how much his wife must have spent on it.

Last week, we went to a funeral for my husband's cousin, and we were appalled at how elaborate it was and how much his wife must have spent on it. The whole family knows they didn't get along, so why do you think she did this? They weren't wealthy or anything.

Does the devil really exist? If so, what does he look like?

Does the devil really exist? If so, what does he look like? I've always assumed the devil is just a myth, but I'm open to changing my mind.

Why didn't Jesus allow the people to make Him a king?

Why didn't Jesus allow the people to make Him a king? He certainly had the crowds behind Him during those last days of His ministry.

We never thought we'd get into this situation, but our credit card debt is about to sink us.

We never thought we'd get into this situation, but our credit card debt is about to sink us. I guess it just got too easy for us to buy things without thinking of the cost. I know this isn't a spiritual question, but what do you suggest we do?

To be honest, I can't get excited about going to heaven.

To be honest, I can't get excited about going to heaven. I'm a Christian and I know I'll go there when I die, but I enjoy my life and I don't want to leave it behind. Is it wrong to feel this way?

My uncle has become very absorbed with questions about when the world is going to end.

My uncle has become very absorbed with questions about when the world is going to end. He studies everything he can, from preachers on TV to articles about that Mayan calendar thing. Why do you suppose he's so fascinated by this?

Is the Bible mainly for preachers and people like that?

I picked up our old family Bible the other day and started reading it (which I'd never done before), but to be honest I didn't get much out of it. Is the Bible mainly for preachers and people like that?

I know I did some bad things when I was young, but I don't even remember them because I was strung out on drugs and hardly knew what I was doing.

I know I did some bad things when I was young, but I don't even remember them because I was strung out on drugs and hardly knew what I was doing. Now I've confessed my sins and given my life to Jesus, and I believe He's forgiven my sins. But what about the ones I can't remember?

My aunt was always a wonderful and kind Christian, but now she has Alzheimer's disease and has totally changed.

My aunt was always a wonderful and kind Christian, but now she has Alzheimer's disease and has totally changed. She gets angry and lashes out at people, and we can't understand what's happened. Is she guilty in God's eyes for the way she's acting?

All I've ever wanted to be is a famous pop singer. But I tried out recently for a television contest and they said I didn't have what it takes.

All I've ever wanted to be is a famous pop singer. But I tried out recently for a television contest and they said I didn't have what it takes. Now I'm really depressed. Why didn't God let me achieve my dreams? I'm 17 years old.