
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Open Your Eyes and See the Truth About Jesus

I grew up in a church-going family, but I'm having some real struggles with doubt. I'm in medical school studying to be a doctor, and I just can't bring myself to believe that Jesus came back from the dead. Things like that just don't happen.

Why Did Pontius Pilate Turn on Jesus?

I've always been puzzled by Pilate, the Roman governor who gave the order for Jesus to be executed. Didn't he say several times that he thought Jesus was innocent and shouldn't be put to death? Why then did he allow it?

The Symbolism of the Cross

I am a foreign student here, but I do not come from a Christian country. I am curious about your religion. Why do churches have a cross on top of them, and why do some people wear a cross? What does it mean?

The Story of Judas Is a Warning

I've never really understood why Judas betrayed Jesus. After all, he witnessed Jesus' miracles and heard His teaching just like the other disciples, and yet he ended up turning against Him. It just doesn't make sense.

God can bring good even out of tragedy

My best friend was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, and it's really hit me hard. I've never given any thought to death, but now I can't avoid it. Frankly, I'm scared, because I know I'm not ready to die. How can I be ready?

Jesus Stayed Faithful to His Call

Did Jesus know He was probably going to be put to death? Couldn't He have done something to avoid it and keep on living?

Jesus' Mission on Earth Was Clear

Wasn't Jesus actually a failure? After all, at the beginning of His last week on earth He hoped people would make Him into their king, but by the end of the week everyone had turned against Him, and they ended up killing Him.

Listen to God's Call on Your Life

I've often wondered why you chose religion for a career, instead of going into something like business or politics. You surely could have been successful and made lots of money.

Don't Listen to Discouragement From Nonbelievers

My husband and I have a fairly happy marriage, but he has no use for my faith (although he does let me go to church). Sometimes he'll even make negative comments about me and my faith in front of others, and it always embarrasses me. Any suggestions?

Show Compassion Toward Those Who Are Critical and Judgmental

Why are some people so critical? My aunt is like this, constantly cutting people down behind their backs (although never to their face). She does the same with those of us in her family, and I admit it's hard to be with her.

One Day We Will See Jesus Face to Face

Do we know what Jesus actually looked like? I've seen a lot of paintings that are supposed to be of Jesus (especially pictures of Him on the cross), but I wonder how accurate they really are.

Jesus Asserted His Divinity Through Words and Actions

My friend thinks Jesus was a very spiritual person who had a close relationship with God. But she says Jesus never claimed to be divine, and that's just something the disciples dreamed up. Is she right?