
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm about to give up trying to help people in our community who are in need.

I'm about to give up trying to help people in our community who are in need. They're never very grateful for what our church does for them, and anyway it doesn't seem to change the way they live. Why should I bother?

Ten years ago, my wife and I didn't want to bother with an elaborate wedding, so we just had a civil ceremony.

Ten years ago, my wife and I didn't want to bother with an elaborate wedding, so we just had a civil ceremony. But several months ago, we both committed our lives to Jesus, and now we're wondering if we ought to have a church ceremony also. What would you advise?

Which was more important, Jesus' death on the cross or His resurrection from the dead?

Which was more important, Jesus' death on the cross or His resurrection from the dead? We had a debate about this in our Bible class at church the other day, and we didn't really arrive at an answer.

Is God punishing me for something I've done wrong, although I can't imagine what it could be?

I had back surgery three years ago, and I've been in constant pain ever since -- not enough to keep me in bed, but always draining my strength and making me miserable. Is God punishing me for something I've done wrong, although I can't imagine what it could be?

My friend keeps trying to get me to go with her this summer to a Bible conference at a retreat center she knows, but I'm not sure it's worth the time and money.

My friend keeps trying to get me to go with her this summer to a Bible conference at a retreat center she knows, but I'm not sure it's worth the time and money. Do you think I'd gain anything from something like this?

Our church keeps asking us for money, but I've been out of a job for over a year and we just don't have anything to give.

Our church keeps asking us for money, but I've been out of a job for over a year and we just don't have anything to give. Do you think God will understand?

If someone had asked me a year ago if I loved God, I would have said yes. But I'm not so sure I could say it now.

If someone had asked me a year ago if I loved God, I would have said yes. But I'm not so sure I could say it now. Somehow, my faith has faded away, which concerns me very much. Is there a way back to God?

I have a friend who says that whenever we face a big problem, all we need to do is have a positive attitude about it, and eventually it will go away.

I have a friend who says that whenever we face a big problem, all we need to do is have a positive attitude about it, and eventually it will go away. But that never seems to work for me. What am I doing wrong?

Are some people more evil than others?

Are some people more evil than others? I have a cousin who seems to be this way. Everything he does ends up hurting others -- and he not only doesn't care, but he also laughs about it. My other relatives certainly aren't like this.

I feel so lonely. Last year, I moved to a new city, and I don't have any friends or family here.

I feel so lonely. Last year, I moved to a new city, and I don't have any friends or family here. I suppose you'll tell me to go to church, but the last time I went, no one even spoke to me.

Does the devil cause every temptation we face?

Does the devil cause every temptation we face? I admit I don't do a very good job of fighting temptation.

Why are some people so hard to get along with, while others are always thoughtful and pleasant and never give you any trouble?

Why are some people so hard to get along with, while others are always thoughtful and pleasant and never give you any trouble? I have a cousin who's very difficult, and no one in our family wants to have anything to do with him.