
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I admit I wasn't a very good mother, and now my children don't want anything to do with me.

I admit I wasn't a very good mother, and now my children don't want anything to do with me. They didn't even call or send me a card on Mother's Day. I know I can't undo the past, but is there anything I can do to change this?

I heard a preacher say once that you can be joyful, even if you aren't happy.

I heard a preacher say once that you can be joyful, even if you aren't happy. I don't see how that's possible, because if I'm not happy, then I'm certainly not joyful. Maybe you can explain what he might have meant.

I notice in your column that you often tell people to commit their lives to Jesus, but what exactly does that mean?

I notice in your column that you often tell people to commit their lives to Jesus, but what exactly does that mean? I think I believe in Jesus, but is that enough? I'm facing some health problems, and I don't want to make a mistake and miss out on heaven.

I'm 7 years old. Am I too young to give my life to Jesus?

I'm 7 years old. Am I too young to give my life to Jesus? I tried to read the Bible some, but I don't understand it.

Do the angels in heaven pray for us?

Do the angels in heaven pray for us? It would give me great comfort to know that they do, because I need all the prayers I can get.

Who do you think is behind the Internet — God or the devil?

Who do you think is behind the Internet -- God or the devil? I wonder about this sometimes, because it seems like there's so much trash (and even evil) on the Internet. I know I waste too much time looking at it when I should be doing something worthwhile.

How can I know if it's time for me to change churches?

How can I know if it's time for me to change churches? The one I've been going to for the last few years doesn't have any community service projects that I can get involved in, which is something I'd really like to do now that I'm retired.

By the time you get this I'll be out of college, and I don't have any idea what to do next.

By the time you get this I'll be out of college, and I don't have any idea what to do next. Maybe I just wasted the last four years. Do you believe God has a plan for everyone, or is it just up to us to decide what we'll do with our lives?

My wife has always believed that if she stays a loyal member of her church, she'll go to heaven when she dies.

My wife has always believed that if she stays a loyal member of her church, she'll go to heaven when she dies. But since I'm not a church member, does this mean I won't be saved? I admit I'm more concerned about this than I used to be.

How could Jesus have been both a man and also God?

How could Jesus have been both a man and also God? After all, if Jesus was truly human, wouldn't that have made Him a sinner -- and yet God can't sin, can He? Maybe it doesn't make any difference, but I've always been curious about this.

All my life I've looked forward to retiring early, but now it looks like I'm going to have to keep on working.

All my life I've looked forward to retiring early, but now it looks like I'm going to have to keep on working. I'm really depressed over this. Why does God let us make big plans for ourselves, and then make them fall through?

After my parents divorced, my father moved elsewhere, and over the years we lost touch.

After my parents divorced, my father moved elsewhere, and over the years we lost touch. The last time I tried to call he hung up on me. I know he wasn't a very good father, but I still miss him. Is there any way I can reach out to him?