
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you have to belong to a church in order to be saved?

Do you have to belong to a church in order to be saved? If so, how can I be sure I'm joining the right one? I didn't grow up in a religious family, and I'm afraid I find it all very confusing. But I know I need God.

How can I know if the woman I'm currently dating is the right one for me?

How can I know if the woman I'm currently dating is the right one for me? We've both been through terrible marriages and we don't want to make another mistake. But how can we know if God is in favor of our relationship?

How patient are you supposed to be with someone who has had a real need, but ends up taking advantage of you?

How patient are you supposed to be with someone who has had a real need, but ends up taking advantage of you? My nephew moved in with us over a year ago while going through a difficult divorce, but now he shows no sign of moving on with his life. What can we do?

My wife is pressuring me to go ahead and make our funeral arrangements since we're getting older, but I'm reluctant to do it.

My wife is pressuring me to go ahead and make our funeral arrangements since we're getting older, but I'm reluctant to do it. I just as soon leave that to our children when the time comes. What do I care what happens after we die?

If Jesus died to pay for all our sins (as the Bible says), then why do we still have to confess them and commit our lives to Him in order to be saved?

If Jesus died to pay for all our sins (as the Bible says), then why do we still have to confess them and commit our lives to Him in order to be saved? Isn't salvation supposed to be a free gift from God?

Does the Bible say that if you become a Christian then you shouldn't sin anymore, and if you do sin, you'll lose your salvation?

Does the Bible say that if you become a Christian then you shouldn't sin anymore, and if you do sin, you'll lose your salvation? I heard someone say this once, and it really worries me, because I know I'm not perfect.

My wife and I just got a divorce, and it really upsets me how she's trashed me with our children and told them it's all my fault.

My wife and I just got a divorce, and it really upsets me how she's trashed me with our children and told them it's all my fault. I wish she wouldn't do this, because I love them and want to have a good relationship with them. How can I stop her?

My high school class just had their 40th reunion, and I was saddened to hear so many of my old classmates talk about how disappointed or bored they've been with life.

My high school class just had their 40th reunion, and I was saddened to hear so many of my old classmates talk about how disappointed or bored they've been with life. Hardly any of them seemed completely happy. Why is this, do you think?

I'd never admit it openly, but to be honest I'm not sure I believe in sending missionaries to other parts of the world.

I'm on a committee planning a missions conference in our church. I'd never admit it openly, but to be honest I'm not sure I believe in sending missionaries to other parts of the world. After all, those people already have their own religion, don't they?

We've been invited to a family reunion this summer, and to be honest I'm dreading it.

We've been invited to a family reunion this summer, and to be honest I'm dreading it. Some in our extended family haven't spoken to each other in years, and instead of being a happy time I'm afraid it could be tense. Should we even go?

Do you believe it's possible for someone to reject God all their lives and live like the devil, then at the last minute supposedly believe in Jesus and be saved?

Do you believe it's possible for someone to reject God all their lives and live like the devil, then at the last minute supposedly believe in Jesus and be saved? This happened with my uncle, but I've wondered if it was too late.

My cousin and I were discussing an article the other day about a famous person who had died, and out of the blue she said she hoped he was in hell.

My cousin and I were discussing an article the other day about a famous person who had died, and out of the blue she said she hoped he was in hell. I know he wasn't a very good person and influenced a lot of people in the wrong way, but what right do we have to say who ought to go to hell and who shouldn't? I thought that was God's job, not ours.