
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My husband and I got along fine for the first few years of our marriage, but now we argue all the time.

My husband and I got along fine for the first few years of our marriage, but now we argue all the time. Mostly it's about money, because there never seems to be enough. I hate what's happening to us, but I don't know the answer. Can our marriage be saved?

My wife is upset at me because she found out I cheated a bit on our taxes this year.

My wife is upset at me because she found out I cheated a bit on our taxes this year. (I had some cash income that I "forgot" to declare.) I say it isn't a big deal because everybody does it, but she says it's still wrong in God's eyes. Is she right?

Why is the Bible so special?

Why is the Bible so special? I know you probably believe it's God's Word, but how do you know? I'm not sure I want to base my life on something that's thousands of years old.

How can I overcome my doubts?

How can I overcome my doubts? When I was a teenager, I decided to follow Jesus, but now I even wonder sometimes if God exists. I don't want to be like this, but how can I get out of this hole?

Do you think the time will ever come when everyone will believe in Jesus and follow His teachings?

Do you think the time will ever come when everyone will believe in Jesus and follow His teachings? I think the world would be a far better place if they did, but I wonder if it will ever happen.

I don't mean to offend you, but in my opinion God is just for weak people.

If people want to believe in God that's all right with me, but as far as I'm concerned God is a myth, and we only have ourselves to rely on in order to get through life. I don't mean to offend you, but in my opinion God is just for weak people.

Is it true (as I've heard some preachers say) that the world will get worse and worse before Jesus comes again?

Is it true (as I've heard some preachers say) that the world will get worse and worse before Jesus comes again? How bad do things have to get before Jesus will return? Are we in the final days now, do you think?

I've often struggled with depression. Could God make any difference to me?

I've often struggled with depression, and even when I'm OK it's always lurking around the corner ready to knock me down. I know it's because I had an abusive childhood, but just knowing it doesn't solve everything. Could God make any difference to me?

I find it inspiring to read the Bible, but I can't go along with those who say it's the divine Word of God, because frankly I find some of it kind of hard to swallow.

I find it inspiring to read the Bible, but I can't go along with those who say it's the divine Word of God, because frankly I find some of it kind of hard to swallow. Why can't we just choose the parts we agree with and leave the rest alone?

I consider myself a spiritual person, but I'm not religious in a traditional sense.

I consider myself a spiritual person, but I'm not religious in a traditional sense. I mean, I don't go to a church or believe in doctrines or things like that, but I still believe we all have a spiritual side that we need to cultivate. I suppose you'd argue with that, but what would you say?

I'm headed to college in a few weeks, and I'm scared because it'll be my first time away from home, and I don't know anyone or what to major in.

I'm headed to college in a few weeks, and I'm scared because it'll be my first time away from home, and I don't know anyone or what to major in. I'm also afraid of losing my faith, because I've seen it happen to others. Any advice?

How is my life going to change if I start taking God seriously?

How is my life going to change if I start taking God seriously? I want to, but I'm not sure what would be expected of me, because I've never met many real Christians. I know lots of casual Christians, of course, but not many who take it seriously.