
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'd always tried to be honest, but in a moment of weakness I got involved in something that promised lots of money but was illegal, and now I'm in prison.

I'd always tried to be honest, but in a moment of weakness I got involved in something that promised lots of money but was illegal, and now I'm in prison. Sometimes I think it would be better if I just ended my life. Is there any hope for me?

I know we're supposed to pray for others, and I do, but how do I know God hears my prayers?

I know we're supposed to pray for others, and I do, but how do I know God hears my prayers? Maybe things would have turned out the way they did, even if I hadn't prayed.

I hope you won't take this in the wrong way, but to be honest, heaven sounds kind of dull to me.

I hope you won't take this in the wrong way, but to be honest, heaven sounds kind of dull to me. I mean, if all we're going to do is sit around on a cloud strumming harps, well, I'll be bored before the end of my first day there. Am I misunderstanding something?

Maybe this is kind of a weird question, but if there is intelligent life on other planets (as some scientists think), should we try to send missionaries someday to tell them about Jesus?

Maybe this is kind of a weird question, but if there is intelligent life on other planets (as some scientists think), should we try to send missionaries someday to tell them about Jesus?

My sister and I always had kind of a rocky relationship, but now she's gone and I feel terrible because I didn't visit her or try to patch things up, although I knew she was dying.

My sister and I always had kind of a rocky relationship, but now she's gone and I feel terrible because I didn't visit her or try to patch things up, although I knew she was dying. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but it's too late now. Will God forgive me, even if she can't?

I'd like to become a follower of Jesus (like some of my friends), but I'm afraid I'd just end up being a failure because I know how weak I am.

I'd like to become a follower of Jesus (like some of my friends), but I'm afraid I'd just end up being a failure because I know how weak I am. Nobody likes a hypocrite, but I'm afraid I'd end up being one. Can you understand my fear?

Did people in the Old Testament believe in life after death and in heaven?

Did people in the Old Testament believe in life after death and in heaven? I heard someone say once that they didn't, but I wonder if that's true.

How do I know if it's God who's speaking to me and telling me to do something, or if I've just imagined it or it's just something I want to do?

How do I know if it's God who's speaking to me and telling me to do something, or if I've just imagined it or it's just something I want to do? I want to make right decisions, but sometimes I don't choose the right way.

My friend wants me to start going to her church, but how can I know if it's a good church?

My friend wants me to start going to her church, but how can I know if it's a good church? I know I need to get stronger in my faith, but I don't want to get sucked into a cult.

My family doesn't believe in God and is very opposed to religion.

My family doesn't believe in God and is very opposed to religion. Well, last month I met some Christians at my school and I ended up giving my life to Jesus. I'm afraid to tell my parents because I know they'll be upset. What should I do?

I have a real problem telling little lies, even when it would be better to tell the truth.

I have a real problem telling little lies, even when it would be better to tell the truth. Why do I do this? I've tried to stop, but then I catch myself doing it again. God must get very upset at me because I know this is wrong.

How can two people from the same family be so different?

How can two people from the same family be so different? My sister never worries about anything, while I'm the proverbial worrywart. I wish I could stop being like this, but I can't.