
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

We'd always planned for a comfortable retirement, but we're getting very little interest from our savings accounts now and we're barely making it.

We'd always planned for a comfortable retirement, but we're getting very little interest from our savings accounts now and we're barely making it. Now, someone we met at a financial seminar is promising us very generous returns if we invest with him. Is it wrong to want more money at this stage of our lives?

I thought I'd be happy if I got married, but all we do is quarrel.

I thought I'd be happy if I got married, but all we do is quarrel. No matter what comes up, we end up fighting over it. I'd leave if I could, but I don't have enough money to live on my own. Maybe you can suggest something.

Does God care about our jobs?

As the nation heads into Labor Day weekend, questions about careers and the value of work are on the minds of many people. Over the years in his My Answer column, Billy Graham has touched on topics ranging from retirement and unemployment to changing jobs. You might find a situation similar to your own in this compilation.

Some of my friends think God is going to let them into heaven because they've been good, but that's not true of me.

Some of my friends think God is going to let them into heaven because they've been good, but that's not true of me. I've not been a very good person, and if there is a hell I know I'll be going there. Or maybe there isn't any heaven or hell. Who can say?

To be honest I dread going to work every day.

To be honest I dread going to work every day. I don't exactly hate my job, and I guess I ought to be grateful I even have one, but I wish I could overcome my bad attitude. So does my wife; she's tired of hearing me complain. Any ideas?

I'd like to believe in God, but I can't. If God exists, why doesn't He do something about all the misery in the world?

I'd like to believe in God, but I can't. If God exists, why doesn't He do something about all the misery in the world? Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a believer.

I know God is supposed to forgive us if we ask Him, but, to be honest, it sounds too good to be true.

I know God is supposed to forgive us if we ask Him, but, to be honest, it sounds too good to be true. How can I expect God to forgive me when I can't forgive people who hurt me?

I'm about to lose my business because people won't pay me what they owe. Isn't it wrong for them to do this?

I'm about to lose my business because people won't pay me what they owe. Isn't it wrong for them to do this? They claim they'll repay me when I ask them, but most never do. Maybe I ought to stop giving them credit, but I hate to lose them as customers.

I have a lot of problems, and my friend says that, if I just have enough faith, God will take them away. Is she right?

I have a lot of problems, and my friend says that, if I just have enough faith, God will take them away. Is she right? If so I guess I'll always have them, because my faith isn't very strong.

I know I've made many mistakes that have gotten me into a lot of trouble, but how was I to know at the time that I was about to go down the wrong road?

I know I've made many mistakes that have gotten me into a lot of trouble, but how was I to know at the time that I was about to go down the wrong road? People say we ought to learn from our mistakes, but I don't seem to be very good at it.

Do you think it's possible to be successful in business but also be a Christian?

Do you think it's possible to be successful in business but also be a Christian? Most of the people I know in my business seem to be driven by greed, and yet that's wrong from a Christian point of view, isn't it?

My sister has gotten involved with an obscure religious group that claims to be the only way to God.

My sister has gotten involved with an obscure religious group that claims to be the only way to God. She's very committed to them, and it's nearly impossible to reason with her about it. I am a Christian, but how can I refute her?