
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can I get my husband to believe in Jesus?

How can I get my husband to believe in Jesus? He's a good person, and I think he believes that's all it will take to get him into heaven. But whenever I try to tell him he needs to give his life to Jesus, we just end up arguing.

Is it wrong to have doubts from time to time?

Is it wrong to have doubts from time to time? Most of the time, my faith is fairly strong, but occasionally something happens that makes me question my faith, and then I'll wonder if it's really true. Is God upset with me for this?

Why should someone who lived 2,000 years ago make any difference to us today?

Why should someone who lived 2,000 years ago make any difference to us today? I know Jesus was supposed to be a great man, but there have been lots of notable people since then, so why is He so important?

I don't believe that once I die there's going to be anything more.

I don't believe that once I die there's going to be anything more. To me, believing in heaven (or for that matter, hell) is just indulging in wishful thinking. This life is all we've got, so we might as well enjoy it and not worry about some kind of afterlife.

Does God ever speak to people today in a voice they can hear, like He did in Bible times?

Does God ever speak to people today in a voice they can hear, like He did in Bible times? I know my faith would be stronger if He'd just speak like that to me.

I know you keep telling people to read their Bibles, and I've tried, but I don't get anything out of it.

I know you keep telling people to read their Bibles, and I've tried, but I don't get anything out of it. I never was much of a reader anyway, and it's just too big. Is God going to be mad at me?

My neighbor says that if I just have enough faith, then God will make me rich. Is she right?

My neighbor says that if I just have enough faith, then God will make me rich. Is she right? When I pointed out that it didn't seem to have worked for her, she said it's because her faith isn't strong enough yet.

I suppose the Ten Commandments seemed like a good idea several thousand years ago, but time moves on, and we live in a different world.

I suppose the Ten Commandments seemed like a good idea several thousand years ago, but time moves on, and we live in a different world. We need to live by our own rules and not be bound by the past.

My parents always said there were two things you shouldn't talk about — politics and religion.

My parents always said there were two things you shouldn't talk about -- politics and religion. Well, they never did, but now I'm an adult, and I don't have any idea what to believe. Where can I turn?

We just moved to a new town, and the church we've started attending is urging everyone to join a small group Bible study.

We just moved to a new town, and the church we've started attending is urging everyone to join a small group Bible study. But we don't know much about the Bible, and I'm afraid we'd just make fools of ourselves. Should we change churches?

I supposedly gave my life to God when I was a teenager, and at the time I was very sincere about it.

I supposedly gave my life to God when I was a teenager, and at the time I was very sincere about it. But eventually I drifted away and I know I haven't been living the way I should. If I died right now, do you think I'd still go to heaven?

What can you do with someone who refuses to listen to advice?

What can you do with someone who refuses to listen to advice? My cousin just moved in with a woman he barely knows and says they're going to get married. Everyone in the family keeps telling him it isn't going to work because she's very self-centered, with children by different men, but he won't listen.