I think we ought to be free to enjoy life any way we want, instead of being restricted all the time by a bunch of outdated rules. Why does religion always seem to oppose things like sexual freedom, for example? I'll be interested to read your answer.
Let me ask you a question: Would you be willing to eat in a restaurant which refused to follow any rules about hygiene or health?
I doubt it. Even if you were very hungry and the food looked appetizing, you’d probably be hesitant to eat it. You’d want to inspect the kitchen first to see if it was clean, and you might want to ask if the food had been refrigerated properly. Without any rules to protect you, almost anything could have happened to your food.
In a far greater way, God has given us certain moral and spiritual rules–not to restrict us, but to protect us. He knows the dangers we face when we ignore those laws, and He loves us too much to let us live any way we want. The Bible says, “Be careful to obey all these regulations … so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right” (Deuteronomy 12:28).
You Can Have Peace
Real, lasting peace is possible. But there’s only one way to find it.
Find Peace
Don’t get caught in a trap–the trap that says you are free to do anything you want and you won’t suffer any consequences. God says otherwise, and every day I get letters from people who’ve discovered this through bitter experience. Instead, by faith turn your life over to Christ and discover the greatest freedom of all–the freedom of being part of God’s family forever.