

What should a person look for in a church, in your opinion? I've finally admitted to myself that the church I'm now attending isn't the right one for me, but I'm not sure what I ought to be looking for in a church.


If God truly wants you to leave the church you’re now attending, the reason is because He has a more suitable church for you–one where you won’t just feel comfortable, but you will grow spiritually.

That’s why I urge you, first of all, to pray about this decision (as you should every decision) and seek God’s will concerning it. In other words, make sure it is God’s will for you to find another church, and not just your own desire. Let the psalmist’s prayer be yours: “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground” (Psalm 143:10).

What should you seek in a church? One way to begin, of course, would be to sit down and make a list of all the things you don’t like about your present church. But a better way would be to stop and prayerfully ask yourself what God wants to do in your life. The answer is simple: He wants you to grow closer to Him and to become more like Christ.

How does this happen? It happens as we listen to His Word, the Bible, and apply it to our lives. It happens also as we pray and worship Him, and as we have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Ask God to lead you to a church where the Bible is preached and taught, and where you can grow closer to Christ and His people.