What does it mean to put on the whole armor of God? Putting on armor seems a little restrictive.
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Ephesians 6:11 says: “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand …”
As believers in Jesus Christ, this is our protection: His truth, His righteousness, His peace, and faith in Him through the gift of His salvation. We must ask the Lord to help us protect our minds, bodies and hearts, and He gives us the tools from Scripture to do this. He will use everything in our lives to make us fit to serve Him faithfully. God can take anything that happens to us—even bad things—and use them to shape us and make us into the person He desires.
There is nothing easy about the Christian life. It doesn’t mean that Christians cannot have fun times but for Christians, life is more about living joyfully no matter our circumstances. This is where we have the opportunity to show others that our strength comes from the Lord.
Not one account in the Bible tells us that living for God will be easy. Look at Joseph. He did the right thing and fled from temptation and ended up in prison. Look at the three Hebrews in the book of Daniel. They refused to worship anyone other than Almighty God and they were thrown in the fiery furnace by a pagan king. David the shepherd boy stood before the great giant Goliath and said, “I come to you in the name of the Lord” (1 Samuel 17:45). When we encounter difficulties, if we rely on the Lord to strengthen us and teach us, He will be with us through it all and victory will be won according to God’s purposes. This is our testimony that the watching world sees.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)