Someone in our family is always having a crisis, and all of their problems end up in my lap. I get so tired trying to deal with them. They mostly ignore my advice anyway. Sometimes I just wish I could leave. Why is our family so messed up?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a family that didn’t have problems, and I doubt if I ever will. Almost since the beginning of the human race, when Cain killed his brother, Abel, families have been beset with conflicts and problems (see Genesis 4:1-16).
However, that’s no excuse for being unconcerned about our families. God gave our families to us, and it isn’t His will for them to be constantly in turmoil or conflict. I know your family’s problems have become a huge burden for you, but how much worse would things be if they didn’t have you to help them? Even if they don’t always heed your advice, you may be helping them in ways you’ll never realize. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9).
How can you help your family? The most important thing you can do is urge each family member who comes to you to turn to Christ and give their lives to Him. They need Christ’s forgiveness and new life, and they need the love for others that only He can give. They also need His help to live as they should, and to make wise decisions about the future. And if you’ve never given your own life to Christ, open your heart and life to Him today.
Then ask God to give you wisdom when others come to you — and also patience. In addition, pray for — and with — them, as well.
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