I admit I had a good time in college and didn't work very hard, but now all I can find is a dead-end job. I don't have a question, but maybe you could urge people headed for college not to waste the opportunity like I did.
Thank you for your concern, and also your honesty. Right now, millions of high school seniors (and others) are thinking about college, and I hope they’ll learn from your example.
Why didn’t you take college more seriously? Only you can answer that, of course, but I suspect one reason was because you were away from home for the first time, and you were determined to enjoy your newfound freedom.
But freedom is dangerous if it’s not linked to wisdom and strong moral values. Do you remember Jesus’ story of the prodigal son? (You can read it in Luke 15:11-32.) He couldn’t wait to leave home, and once he did, he was determined to have as good a time as possible. But eventually his money ran out, and he was reduced to eating the same food the pigs ate. Instead of being free, he’d become a slave.
Jesus’ story doesn’t end there, however. Eventually, he realized the foolishness of his ways and returned home. He thought his father might reject him, but instead he joyfully welcomed him. The father said, “Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:23-24).
This parable is both a warning and a comfort — a warning of what happens when we leave God out of our lives, but also a comfort because of its promise of God’s forgiveness. Don’t waste your life any longer, but commit yourself to Christ and begin following Him.