My loved one died. How can I deal with my loneliness?
It is always hard for us to be separated from those we love. Do not apologize for your grief or try to conceal your loneliness. Go to an understanding friend and share your sorrow. You may be surprised at the encouragement you feel. The Bible says: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Jesus is the best Friend of all. Open your heart to Him. If you ask Christ, He will tell you how to again find purpose in life. We suggest these four things:
• Each morning thank God for all the joy He has brought through the years. Surrender your day to Him. Ask Christ to guide and direct you. Then all through the day think of Him as walking by your side.
• Read your Bible. There you will find words of wisdom and comfort, such as 1 Corinthians 13:12: “Now we see but a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
• Seek opportunities to help those in need. There is someone who needs your love and care. Ask God to show you who it is and let that person know he has a friend.
• Share your loneliness with a gospel-preaching pastor. He may know of areas in your church where you can get involved.
• Consider joining a support group. You may be able to find out about a group near you by contacting GriefShare, P. O. Box 1739, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588; telephone: (800) 395-5755.
• Hold fast to your belief in eternal life. Death is not the end, but the doorway into heaven.