I know you won't agree, but I think the greatest thing in the last 50 years has been the explosion in sexual freedom. I think we need to get rid of out-of-date sexual ideas that make us slaves.
No, I can’t agree with you–and in fact I believe the “explosion in sexual freedom” (as you call it) is one of the most disastrous things that has happened to our society in the last 50 years.
Think, for example, of the devastating impact this “explosion” has had on our families. A family isn’t just a nice idea; it is a God-ordained institution, given to us for our happiness and protection. But almost every day I get at least one letter from someone whose family has been torn apart by sexual immorality. Many centuries ago, the writer of Proverbs wisely said, “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? … So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife” (Proverbs 6:27,29).
The same could be said about another “explosion” today–the explosion in sexually transmitted diseases. Millions of people in many parts of the world are living under a sentence of death because of AIDS and other devastating sexual diseases. How can we possibly conclude that unbridled sexual expression is a good thing?
But let me speak to you on a more personal level. Yes, you think you are free–but are you? I suspect instead that you have become a slave–a slave to your own lusts. God loves you, and He wants to free you and give you true meaning in life. I urge you to discover the greatest joy of all–which is new life in Christ.