

I don't believe in talking with others about religion. They have their own beliefs, and anyway, my life is enough of a witness to my faith. I don't think we should intrude on other people's privacy by trying to convert them to our beliefs.


Let me ask you a question: If you discovered a cure for cancer, would you keep quiet about it? Would you hope that by observing your life people would somehow conclude a cure for cancer existed? No, of course not. If you knew of a cure for cancer, you’d do all you could to tell others about it. To do anything less would be selfish and cruel.

The human race, however, has a disease far more serious than cancer. It’s a spiritual disease called sin. We all have it, and it touches everything we do, keeping us from doing right and making us do wrong. It also cuts us off from God, both now and forever. Never underestimate the terrible effects of sin! The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

But the Bible tells us something that’s even more important: God has provided a cure for sin — and that cure is Jesus Christ. He came into the world for one reason: To make it possible for us to be cleansed of our sins and have a new life by His Spirit. The Bible’s words are true: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I pray you’ll discover this truth by turning to Christ and giving your life to Him. And when you do, you’ll want to share Him with others — because the Gospel is the best news anyone will ever hear.