I am facing a divorce, what can I do?
We are sorry to learn that your marriage is being threatened by divorce. God desires that you experience His love and comfort even in the midst of these circumstances. First of all, we encourage you to make certain that you have completely committed your life to Christ by faith. A proper relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ can permit one to live with a sense of peace and security when experiencing heartache and difficulties.
Isaiah 40:31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Commit each day and each passing hour into the care of our wonderful Lord, and permit Him to direct your life and meet your needs.
Complete fulfillment in marriage can never be realized outside of the life in Christ. This is the foundation upon which a Christian home is built, where beautiful harmony abides and grows through mutual love, trust, and respect between the marriage partners.
Prayerful consideration of God’s Word is most important. Read the responsibilities given to husbands and wives in 1 Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:21-33, and 1 Corinthians, chapter 7. Pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will reveal God’s plan for you and your spouse.
Should it be possible to have your marriage restored, seek counsel together with a gospel-teaching pastor or Christian marriage counselor, that he may assist you in establishing a firm foundation for your marriage.
It is important that you now live constructively for Christ and experience God’s will and purpose for living. We encourage you to join with other Christians in Bible study and prayer to satisfy your need for fellowship.
If you have not already done so, organize your day so that you will have a special time to spend alone with God, being faithful to observe a time of Bible reading, prayer, and praise. Be faithful to observe this “quiet time,” for it is a vital line to heaven which will give you the strength to overcome discouragement, to discern God’s will in your present circumstances, and to walk obediently with Him.