My biggest struggle as a Christian is to know God's will and the purpose of my life. The more people I talk to about it, the more confused I get. Is it difficult to know God's will?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
There is a simple answer which is this: God’s will is for everyone to obey His Word. This was His will from the beginning. His perfect will was known to Adam and Eve in everything, and gave one “don’t.” All through Scripture He tells us what to do and what not to do. He tells us how to live. He gives us the strength to endure hardships, and He brings joy when we walk in His ways. It is wonderful to desire and know God’s will. Once you know it, do it!
King David prayed, “(Lord,) teach me to do your will” (Psalm 143:10). Many pray, “Lord, show me Your will,” and then never open up the Bible. When our hearts are right before Him, He promises to teach us. In teaching us, He gives us understanding. His power is put within us through His Holy Spirit. This is a wonderful truth. God’s will is revealed in Scripture and it pleases Him when we desire and do what He instructs. This can be a wonderful Bible study. “The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17, ESV).
To those who truly seek God’s will, the key is to become more and more like Christ. If we are ignorant of God’s Word, we will always be ignorant of God’s will. When we are at a point of decision about choices in life, and it is not contrary to God’s Word, start moving in that direction. Ask Him to close doors and open others. What grieves the heart of God is when we deliberately make a choice that is in conflict with His truth. God will never—never—lead us to do something that is contrary to His written Word.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)