How can we resolve the problems we are having in our marriage?
It is good that you desire to deal with the problems you are having, rather than run away from them. Because God established marriage, it is most satisfying when it is centered in Him.
A mutual faith in Christ is the foundation upon which a solid home is built, where beautiful harmony abides and grows through mutual love, trust, and respect between the marriage partners. The most important consideration for a husband and wife is to make certain that they have established this foundation for their marriage by committing their lives to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
If you have not taken this all-important step, we encourage you and your spouse to come together to commit your lives and your marriage to Christ.
Many couples have also found the counsel of a faithful, Gospel-teaching pastor or Christian marriage counselor to be helpful in building or strengthening their relationship. Prayerful consideration of God’s Word is most important. The Bible provides guidance for every aspect of our lives; note the responsibilities given to husbands and wives in 1 Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:21-33, and 1 Corinthians 7.
A variety of helpful books on marriage have been published by Christian pastors and counselors. You should visit a Christian bookstore or your church library to obtain literature written to strengthen Christian marriages. A book such as “Love Is a Decision” by Gary Smalley has helped many marriages.
Materials of various sorts intended to enrich and build marriages are available through ministries such as Focus on the Family, P.O. Box 35500, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935-3550, telephone: (800) 232-6459, and the Narramore Christian Foundation, 250 West Colorado Boulevard, Suite 200, Arcadia, California 91007, telephone: (800) 477-5893. If you contact them, they will be happy to send you a list of their available books, pamphlets, and audio/video materials.