How can I overcome my addiction to sexual sin?
We appreciate your concern about sexual sin. To overcome this temptation, we would make the following suggestions:
- Make a personal commitment of your life to Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord if you have not already done so. You will discover a new desire and a new strength to deal with your problems (2 Corinthians 5:17).
- Constantly submit your life to the Holy Spirit, that He might produce in you the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25). Conquering temptation and maintaining self-control is not done in our own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. The foundation for a close walk with God through the Spirit involves consistent Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with vital
- Refocus and renew your mind by setting it on Christ and thoughts that are wholesome and good (Colossians 3:1-4, Philippians 4:8-9).
- Eliminate things which trigger lust, such as certain types of books, television programs, internet sites, movies, magazines, etc. even though they may not be explicitly pornographic.
- Ask the Lord to help you identify the times and situations in which you become more vulnerable to this behavior, and learn other ways of response. Christian counseling, including a support group, may be of special help. For possible referral in your area contact Focus on the Family, P. O. Box 35500, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80935; telephone: (719) 531-3400.
- Find a mature Christian of the same sex to whom you can be accountable for your progress in overcoming this habit.