How can I help my loved one who is using drugs and alcohol?
Jesus Christ, the mighty Lord and Saviour, is able to deliver anyone from a drug or alcohol problem. When Jesus Christ comes into the heart of an addicted person, He can break every sinful habit as that person allows Him. The Bible says, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36, NKJV).
Here is a tremendous promise from God’s Word: “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16, NIV). The most important thing you can do is pray daily that your loved one will respond to the love of Christ. Pray that God will give you wisdom through His Holy Spirit to understand how you can help. Seek counsel with a gospel-teaching pastor also.
Teen Challenge International and Overcomers Outreach are organizations which have been very effective in leading people of all ages to Christ and to freedom from drug and alcohol addiction. They have developed proven programs of spiritual therapy, based upon the Bible, which have been instrumental in enabling many to enjoy purposeful, constructive lives. If you will contact them, they may be able to help you. They have branches in many cities. Their headquarters’ mailing addresses are: Teen Challenge International, P. O. Box 1015, Springfield, Missouri 65801, telephone: (417) 862-6969; and Overcomers Outreach, P. O. Box 922950, Sylmar, California 91392, telephone: (800) 310-3001.