How can I find freedom from addiction?
Addiction, in any form, can cause inner tensions and frustration which you may feel powerless to overcome. God longs to set you free through Jesus Christ our Lord; see Romans 6:11-14. The Bible says, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36, NKJV).
Make certain that you have made your commitment to Christ now by asking God to forgive and cleanse you of your sins and give you life eternal. After you have done this, believe that God has forgiven you and made you His child; read John 1:12, Romans 10:13, and 2 Corinthians 5:17.
None of us is strong enough to overcome temptation in our own strength, but God will give us the strength; see Philippians 4:13. First Corinthians 10:13 states: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able; but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (NKJV).
Note that it is God who provides the way of escape. Talk to the Lord many times a day, asking for His help. Read your Bible and fill your mind with thoughts from His Word. The Word of God will have a purifying effect on your life; see Psalm 119:11.
The old sinful lifestyle must now be replaced with the new life in Christ. This requires the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to replace the old habits with new ones. Avoid companionship with those that influence you to indulge in sinful activities. Make a list of those activities and habits you want changed. Set some positive goals for your life, and with God’s strength go after them. Take the initiative and seek the counsel of a gospel-teaching pastor or other dedicated Christian worker.
Teen Challenge International and Overcomers Outreach are organizations which have been very effective in leading people of all ages to Christ and to recovery from addictive behaviors. They have developed proven programs of spiritual therapy, based upon the Bible, which have been instrumental in enabling many to enjoy purposeful, constructive lives. If you will contact them, they may be able to help you. They have branches in many cities. Their headquarters’ mailing addresses are: Teen Challenge International, 5250 N Towne Centre Dr, Ozark, Missouri 65721, telephone: (417) 581-2181, Fax: (417) 581-2195; and Overcomers Outreach, P. O. Box 922950, Sylmar, California 91392, telephone: (800) 310-3001.