How can I be better about reading my Bible and praying?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Imagine being part of a family and never spending time with them. Or having a close friend but never seeing or talking with them. Without fuel, a fire grows cold; and without the “fuel” of Bible reading and prayer, a Christian can grow cold. How can we walk with God if we cannot find time to listen to His words or pour our hearts out to Him?
Many people who say they love God don’t want to spend time with Him. The question must be asked, “Why do we wait until the end of the day when we’re tired and weary?” Do we consider the things throughout the day that just keep us “too busy” for God?
There’s no set time to meet with God. The key is to begin the day with Him and end the day with Him, asking Him to be with us even in our minds as we sleep. Others find that setting special times aside help discipline their time. Jesus rose early in the morning, long before daylight, departing to a solitary place to pray (Mark 1:35). If the Son of God needed time alone with His Father, how much more do we?
We must praise the Lord for the blessings of life, for the One who performs miracles that keep the stars in place, the plants bursting up through the earth, and the fish swimming in the sea. The wonders of life should drive us into His Word and into prayer that brings peace to our hearts.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)