Have you ever thought about using the Internet to proclaim your message? A lot of my friends are on social media sites several times a day, and I wish someone would use the Internet to reach out to them with the Gospel.
Throughout my ministry I’ve sought new ways to reach those who’ve never heard the Gospel, and today our organization is constantly expanding our outreach through the Internet (you can access us at billygraham.org). We also are using social media sites to bring the Gospel to a new generation of young people.
We live in a constantly changing world, and this is especially true in technology. When I was a boy, radio was just getting started, and I can still remember the wonder I felt when my father tuned in to a distant station for the first time. Who could have imagined then the world we live in — or what the world will be like a generation or so from now?
But we must never forget that some things never change. God never changes, and neither does the good news about His Son, Jesus Christ. As the Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Nor do the needs of the human heart change — the need for forgiveness, and the need for new life and hope and peace. I’m grateful for the many new ways we have to proclaim the unchanging message of Christ to a changing world.
Is your life built on the foundation of God’s unchanging truth? Make sure of your commitment to Christ — and then ask God to help you reach out to those around you who are searching for the peace and joy that can only be found in Him.