Every year I make a long list of New Year’s resolutions, and every year I forget every one of them. Is it just a waste of time to make a list of New Year’s resolutions?
No, it’s not a waste of time to examine our lives and admit that we need to make some changes—if we’re honest about actually doing it. Unfortunately, most lists of resolutions aren’t really resolutions at all; they’re only a series of wishes, without any plan for making them happen.
But let me suggest you ask yourself two questions as you think about your list. First, what is God’s goal for you during the coming year? What does He want to see happen in your life in the new year? In other words, don’t just write down anything that happens to come to mind; seek instead God’s priority for your life. Perhaps you have never given your life to Jesus Christ—and if not, make this your first step. And if you do know Christ, make it your goal to draw closer to Him during the coming year. Jesus said, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).
Second, how will you achieve God’s goals for your life? Goals are important—but if we don’t have any plan for reaching them, we’ll probably fail. Take time to read God’s Word and pray every day. In addition, ask God to guide you to a church where you’ll hear God’s Word, and also find friends who can help you spiritually.
New Year’s Day is coming up soon. May it mark not only the beginning of a new year for you, but also the beginning of a new life. And it will, as you seek God’s will and learn to walk with Christ every day.