I hear a lot about prayer but seldom do I hear a pastor preach about it. Are people expected to know how to pray?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Jesus considered prayer more important than food. The Bible tells us that Jesus prayed hours before breakfast, rising up a great while before daybreak (Mark 1:35). The precious hours of fellowship with His Father meant more to Him than sleep (Luke 6:12). Jesus would leave the great crowds gathered to hear Him preach and go to the wilderness so that He could spend time in prayer (Luke 5). How different our world would be if people were committed to do the same.
Jesus prayed at funerals, and the dead were raised. He prayed over the five loaves and two fishes, and a multitude of people were fed.
And God has blessed those who committed themselves to prayer. Noah prayed, and God handed him a blueprint to build the ark. Moses prayed, and God delivered the Israelites from bondage. Gideon prayed, and the host of a formidable enemy fled in fear before his army of only 300. Daniel prayed, and the mouths of the lions were closed. Elijah prayed, and the fire of God consumed the sacrifice in the presence of the prophets of Baal. David prayed, and he defeated Goliath on the Philistine battleground. The disciples prayed, and 3,000 people were added to the church in one day. Paul prayed, and hundreds of churches were born in Asia Minor and Europe. God does answer prayer when we pray according to His will.
Remember that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. We must ask God to help us pray with our hearts and minds centered on Him. This is the power of prayer.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)