What do you think was the most important event in human history? And why is it important? I've asked this question of many people, and no one seems to agree on the answer.
I’m convinced that the most important event in human history was the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, and what happened as a result of His presence with us. This is what millions of Christians celebrate this Christmas day –and we should, because without Him we truly would be “without hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).
Why was Jesus’ coming into the world so important? First, because of Him we can know what God is like. He came to reveal God’s true nature to us –His power, His holiness, His justice, His love. Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus Christ, for He was God in human flesh. The Bible says, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18).
Second, Jesus’ coming was of supreme importance because only through Him can we be saved. Only one thing separates us from God, and that is our sin. But Christ came to cleanse us from our sins, and He did this by becoming the final and complete sacrifice for our sins through His death for us.
Finally, Christ is important because He gives us hope — hope of God’s presence with us now, and hope of eternal life in heaven. Do you have this hope? You can, and it can begin today. Make this the best Christmas you’ve ever had by turning to Christ through a simple prayer of faith and giving your life to Him.