

Are homosexuals born that way?


Many homosexuals hold to the belief that they were born that way, and there are some researchers who suggest, on the basis of several recent studies, that there may be a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality in some people.

However, even those who argue this believe that certain environmental factors would also have to be present for the tendency to develop. In any case, other scientists have challenged these studies, and there is presently no generally accepted scientific evidence that the homosexual inclination is inborn. Also, in a broken world, the discovery of a genetic link would not prove that such a condition was God’s intent.

It must be emphasized that even if a biological predisposition to homosexuality in some people exists, it would not change God’s opposition to the behavior. Neither would it change the fact that through the transforming power of Jesus Christ freedom from sinful behavior is always available.

In addition, many strugglers discover growing heterosexual attractions as they address underlying problems with the help of competent Christian support and counseling.

For a practical guide to overcoming homosexuality, the book “Coming out of Homosexuality” by Bob Davies and Lori Rentzel would be helpful. These books would be available through most Christian bookstores or by contacting Regeneration Books, P. O. Box 9830, Baltimore, Maryland 21284-9830, telephone: (410) 661-0284.